I hope you find the information I share with you to be useful.  My goal is to use the knowledge of my experience to help you create the best possible existence for your horses. Here, I would like to share a little of that experience with you so that you may better understand my passion and perspective.

I come from a farming and livestock background in the province of Alberta in western Canada.  We raised cattle and also had horses, and I became aware from an early age that I wanted to become a veterinarian.   I graduated from veterinary school at the University of Saskatchewan in 1972, and spent the next 6 years in private veterinary practice in Canada and New Zealand.  My early veterinary interests focused more on cattle and livestock production, but my love of horses soon caused that focus to change.  Wanting to further my growing interest in equine surgery, I applied and was accepted into the surgical residency program at Colorado State University (CSU) and graduated with a Master’s degree in surgery in 1981.  I spent the next 3 years as a faculty member at Michigan State University before returning and becoming a faculty member at CSU in 1984.

In my position at CSU I taught veterinary students, and also ran a clinical service evaluating and treating predominantly musculoskeletal and lameness issues in horses.  Research protocols were also developed, and with other colleagues I investigated numerous aspects of joint injury and disease, and therapeutics associated with joint problems in horses.  Fortunately, this clinical investigation and research program came to be recognized as one of the preeminent programs in the world.  Based on research studies and clinical investigations, I and a colleague ultimately co-edited a book called ‘Joint Disease in the Horse’, which is now in its second edition.

In the veterinary teaching hospital where I ran a clinical service, I was often called upon to evaluate and treat equine athletes with performance limiting problems that were often musculoskeletal in nature.  Many of these problems developed due to joint trauma or repetitive-use injuries.  It was from evaluating these types of cases that I developed a special interest in joint issues in horses. Overtime, I developed a reputation for focus in the field and was often able to perform surgical procedures on selected cases that resolved the joint injury issues and allowed full return to athletic function.  I also dealt with other cases in which a sufficient deterioration of joint tissues made a return to athletic function not possible. It was from these various experiences that I developed an interest in preventive approaches to joint problems that might help mitigate some of the deterioration I observed.

I knew nothing could prevent all joint deterioration, but I also knew I could combine the appropriate components in the right amounts, and address many aspects of the joint injury-inflammation-deterioration complex.  I called the formula Myristol.  

The Myristol joint health and support formula was documented for efficacy in horses in a clinical trial that was completed by a third-party, respected veterinary surgeon and lameness specialist.  This study led to an invited presentation at a professional meeting for equine veterinarians in 2007, and publication in the proceedings from that meeting. Since that time, many veterinarians, horse owners, and trainers have adopted Myristol into their horse’s regimen and we’ve seen great results. I’m thankful for that because one of my main goals is to help horses maintain optimal joint health and decrease the overall need for joint injections.

In time, I took into consideration that muscle soreness can also be a performance limiting problem in equine athletes.  Like joint soreness and injury, muscle soreness is a multifaceted problem, and each case must be evaluated on its own merits.  However, I became interested in developing the current Myristol formula so it might help alleviate some of the muscle soreness experienced by horses in competition.  Based on results from a study done in Europe in exercising racehorses, I added the antioxidant blend they had studied and introduced the formula as Myristol PRO.  This too has seen great results and adoption by those in the equine field looking for the right solutions for their horses’ needs.



The truth of the matter is I love horses, but truly I love and care about all animals.  I’ve got various companion animals and I know most of my horse owner friends have dogs, cats, and more.  I recognized the need for a joint health product in these other species, so I developed the Myristol formula for the different needs of dogs, cats and rabbits. I even developed one for humans called MotionPlus, and I take it every day.  I ride and train cutting horses and I know I’m doing everything I can to stay active and healthy.  Currently, I am actively competing in cutting horse competitions in Texas. 


So that’s a little bit about me and my passion and interest for health and horses.  If you have any comments or   questions, or stories of your own, I hope you will share them with me.



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